I read an article that was very interesting. Here is what I found interesting in this article:
'Noting how approximately 90% of Americans identified as Christians in the early 1990s, the study observed that number, which includes children, had fallen to only 64% by 2020. The number of people in the U.S. who identify as religiously unaffiliated, meanwhile, skyrocketed from 16% in 2007 to 29% in 2020, the research showed. Other religions such as Judaism, Islam, Hinduism and Buddhism, accounted for approximately 6% in 2020.
The study presented four hypothetical scenarios by which the U.S. religious landscape could change in the coming decades. In one scenario, researchers analyzed the potential impact of young Christian adults abandoning their faith and switching affiliation without limitation.'
Young people are abandoning their faith. Why is this seemingly a thing. Here is what I think is happening. We have had several generations where PARENTS have refused to take their faith seriously. What do I mean by that? Parents refused to get activated in a local Bible believing, Jesus loving church. They refused to get their kids truly activated in serving in some level of ministry in the church, rather parents used church as a babysitter so that they could do whatever they wanted to do. Kids can see that is what is happening, they are not stupid. And I'm talking about just showing up on Sundays. I'm talking about doing some type of real-life ministry outside of the walls of the church. Parents refused to take time to read the word with their children or spend time in prayer with their children. God was not something that was to be focused on 7 days week, it was rather something you 'did' on Sunday morning for a few hours. Biblical Christianity and cultural Christianity are two different things.
So I think the reason so many young 'Christians' are leaving the faith is because they were never truly Christians to begin with. They were affiliated with a building or a program, but never truly activated for CHRIST and now our culture is reaping the reward of shallow superficial, fluffy, happy clappy faith.
So how do we fix this? There has to be a revival of Biblical faith in our homes. A faith that starts at home and then is bolstered in the church will be a faith that grows in tenacity and boldness, because it’s played out in all areas of life. This means taking time daily to have FAMILY worship. And that does not mean anything fancy, but rather a consistent time to pray together as a family and read God’s word together as a family.
Revival of Biblical faith in the home means to open your doors to people and have Christ-centered conversations around the table. Biblical faith in the home means that sometimes you leave the house to go into the community to share the truth and love of who JESUS is. This means being activated in your church and have a Christ-centered focus on seeing your church grow. Activated by leading a small group study or being in a small group study in your home. JESUS himself was in a small group. The power of a small group is un-matched. How does this help? Galatians 6:2 says Carry each other’s burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ. This is what this looks like. CARRY each other’s burden. We gather together and pray with and for each other. We talk to each other. We live in a culture that is so divided. The scripture tells us not to be this way as Christ-followers. 1 Corinthians 1:10 “I appeal to you, brothers and sisters, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that all of you agree with one another in what you say and that there be no divisions among you, but that you be perfectly united in mind and thought.” What we should be doing as Christians is getting rooted and grounded in such a way that we radiate Gospel centered light to the world around us.
1 John 1:7 says But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus, his Son, purifies us from all sin.
What is the foundation of this family faith revival? THE PERSON AND WORK OF THE LORD JESUS CHRIST in our lives. We take what Jesus did on our behalf and make it PERSONAL and as a result of that we start in our homes living for Jesus and it then that will move to the walls of the church and then it will leave the walls of the church and it then is played out in the main streets of our community.
So I’m totally fine with this type and style of cultural 'christianity' today dying in the public square and in its place BLIBLCAL CHRISTANITY COMING TO LIFE! A Christian faith that takes death to self in all matters and comes to life to the person and work of Christ Jesus alone! A faith that is fostered in the homes and bolstered in the church. This is what we need. We need a faith that will endure hard times, because hard times are coming and in order to make it we’ll need a faith that can endure past the doors on Sunday morning. We’ll need a faith that can carry us in the dungeon if need be. Parents, grandparents don’t give up. Don’t distress. Get on your knees and pray. Open your Bibles and read them with your children. Even if you have not done it in a while, do it now. Do it today. The revival can start today. JUST START.